Parapsychologist; prject director, Psychical Research Foundation, Durham, North Carolina. B. July 3, 1926, Bremen, German. B.A., 1949, University of California (Berkeley); B. Litt., 1960, Oxford University. M. 1950, Muriel Gold: 1 d., 2 s. Louis K. Anspacher Visiting Research Fellow, Duke University, Durham, N.C., 1957; research associate, Parapsychology Laboratory, Duke University, 19558-60; director, research project on incorporeal agency (an investigation of the survival question), Parapsychology Laboratory, 1960; member editorial staff, Journal of Parapsychology, 1958-60; project director, Psychical Research Foundation, set up by the late Charles E. Ozanne (q.v.), 1961 to present; editor, Theta (bulletin of the PRF), from 1963.
President, Oxford University Society for Psychical Research, 1952-57; member, founding council, Parapsychology Assn., 1957; treasurer, 1958; secretary 1959-60; vice president, 1963; member: Society for Psychical Research, London; American Society for Psychical Research, American Assn. for Advancement of Science; grantee, Committee for Advanced Studies, Oxford University, 1952; grantee, Parapsychology Foundation, 1954-56. Attended First International Conference on Parapsychology (Utrecht, 1953); Conference on Spontaneous Phenomena (Cambridge, 1955); Duke Symposium on Incorporeal Personal Agency (1959).
While at Oxford, Mr. Roll carried out research desgined to correlate extrasensory perception with personality traits and studied the effects of hypnosis and of various calling procedures. With assistance from the Parapsychology Foundation, he established at Oxford a laboratory for psi experiments which remains available for such work and as a reading room for the Oxford SPR members and others interested in the field. He is currently engaged in field investigations of recurrent spontaneous cases of apparent extrasensory perception and psychokinesis (including mediumistic,, poltergeist and haunting phenomena), with a view to increasing control over psi and understanding of the basic problems, particularly that of survival of personality after death.
Mr. Roll's articles and reviews concerning parapsychology have appeared mainly in the Journal of Parapsychology, the Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, and the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, London. Residence: 3509 Rugby Road, Durham, North Carolina; business address: Box 6116, College Station, Durham.
Taken from Helene Pleasants (1964) Biographical Dictionary of Parapsychology with Directory and Glossary 1946-1996 NY: Garrett Publications |